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The first impression blues

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: The first impression blues

I have a problem. I need my cane to get around but I feel like everyone that sees me doesn't see me but sees my cane. I am treated like a damn pity case and I can tell you, it's a damn killer when you're trying to convince a woman you're interested in that you're hotter s--- then Joe Schmoe with his working eyes and lungs.

How do I beat this? How can I wear my cripple-ness with pride? I don't want to be pitied. I want to be respected and looked at as any normal person would be.

I'm Ryan... and YOU'RE NOOOT!!!
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Honestly, anyone worth getting to know wouldn't treat you that way.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Evidently there aren't that many people worth a damn then, hehe. It makes it very frustrating when NOBODY will treat you with respect for two straight semesters.

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August 21, 2008
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.looking for a physically disabled person.
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August 18, 2008
Posts: 5

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`Dear Ryan,
I know exactly what our going through. I have seizures and although I may look good, when I tell people that I have seizures, they run away like I have some kind of contagious disease. I also think that some people see disabled people as dependent and they fear that we will be totally dependent on them so therefor they run the other way. I dont know about you but I can do alot of things by myself and it hurts when people treat you this way. I do have to agree with kimberly tho.. if they are worth getting to know then they wouldnt act that way to you or anyone else. I do agree with you too tho. it does seem like there are no good people left. It seems like there are more bad people than good.. and that is very depressing. Keep your head up... as will I.
SIncerely, Kari

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April 29, 2009
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`Hey Rkade, i hear you man.....

Lets chat sometime if you're still on this site.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Man I went from a cane to cruches now to a chair it's hard man , But listen : be all you can be and be your self. If you get happy with your self that is what matters most. people take you for what you are and do.not what you try to appear to be.if your self is not good enough for them there not worth your time. It's whats inside the box that is important not the box.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`The best thing that ever happened to me was my leg amputation. It took away four years of horrible pain in which I had to use massive doses of morphine. Now all my infections are gone and I feel better than I have in many years. I don't have a problem with people because I believe in myself and I will walk again. Ilove life and always have a smile on my face and people say goodmorning .I've only come up against one ignorant idiot since my amputation. I am positive about life and now I take time to smell the roses. I hope this bit of phylosofy (sic) helps someone here.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: first impression blues

i know from whence you speak,brother! when people look at me,i can usually tell they have immediately began to judge me simply be appearance alone. because i dont seem to meet their idea of what a normal man should look like.whatever the hell normal means.people tend to be cruel-yes,unfortunately- even toward those of us most deseving of compassion-the disabled.

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January 1, 2012
Posts: 15

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`@squeekers76 my bad I was just reading your reply and clicked on report post by accident instead of reply my bad

I agree with what you were saying, I to have Seizures, I am medically Incontinent both bowl and bladder every time I have a Tonic Clonic Seizure which is 3 or 4 times a week and usually just bladder incontinent during an Absence seizure which is around 80 times a week, so I have to wear nappies 24/7 for that as well as situational incontinence. Alot of people when they look at me they don't see me they either see a freak, a pedophile, a mentally -------- prick or a weirdo

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July 2, 2008
Posts: 9

PostPosted:     Post subject: if they really care
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If someone really cares about you they will see past the cane and care about you.

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November 2, 2012
Posts: 3

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`Enough with the nice-nice. Let's face it: the human species is a predatorial one. They hunt and feed, and no one wants to be treated as 3rd-class prey, viewed as food or fodder. Some have the determination to rise above the animal self, that's when you become the hero, rkade. Some are just curious; satisfy that curiosity with a matter-of-fact approach. Some just don't know better, and you can help them to understand. For the rest of the jackwagons, who hide their selves behind normalcy, glamor and popularity, don't cast your pearls before swine. Take on the Cyrano de Bergerac personna with class, style, and satire for fun. -- Orphan Thing

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